Thursday 5 May 2011

Da Vis

I grew up too early,too fast
My childhood could never last
Looking at you makes real the contrast
Through memories of my past.

Frames of your mind are closer
Remembering the strips are getting warmer
I must run.
Try running out
To stop that murder letting out.

Dazzled of your shaking voice
Which turn intro fog all that noise
Environment makes me to take a choise
So I could know if all fathers are dirty toys.

It's getting darker so quick
My mind is now so weak
I wanted to tell you and I couldn't speak
So all the things around seem to be freak.

Everything falls away and sinks
Senses bring me to life,there you sing.
My body's blood is cold like a winter wind
When your voice's sound vibes as a ringer clink.

Our fathers commited a crime
So that,I'll keep you forever in my mind
Your're my cursed poet,I'm your damned listener.
I always hear you,aren't I a sinner?

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